Thursday, November 26, 2009


A market can be categorized in different basis.There are several types of market.Among them major types of market can be classified on the basis of following features.
(1)on the basis of geographical area:
(a)local market
(b)regional market
(c)national market
(d)international market
(2)on the basis of volume:
(a)wholesale market
(b)retail market
(3)on the basis of delivery:
(a)spot market
(b)future market
(4)on the basis of control:
(a)regulated market
(b)unregulated market
(5)on the basis of function:
(a)mixed market
(b)specialized market
(6)on the basis of time:
(a)very short period market
(b)short period market
(c)long period market
(d)very long period market


Market is a place where buyers and sellers gathered together to buy and sell goods.The word market is derived from the Latin word Marcus which means merchandising made as a place where business is conducted.It means market is a place of locality where things are bought and sold ,buyers and sellers meet to affect purchase and sales.

Market is not only the place where goods are purchased ans sold but it is the process of exchange that supports to make the flow of goods from producers to the consumers.It is an agreement by providing an opportunity to exchange goods.Markets can be defined as fallows:

According to American marketing association (AMA)"Market is the aggregate demand of potential buyers for a product or service.''

According to kotler and Armstrong "Market is the set of actual and potential buyers of a products.''


This is the age of marketing.Marketing activities are parts of everyday life.Marketing plays very important role in the economy also.The importance of marketing can be listed as follows,

(1)Importance to consumers:

-standard of living

-value addition


-assortment of product

(2)Importance to organization:

-demand management

-co-ordinated uses of resources

-objectives achievement

-environment adoption

(3)Importance to society:

-social well brings

-employment generation

-meet community needs

-economic gain


The evolution of marketing is associated with the development of science technology and human society.So it can be studied in the context of human development.Evolution of marketing studied in fallowing stages:

-self sufficient stage

-exchange oriented stage

-production oriented stage

-self oriented stage

-marketing oriented stage

-consumer oriented stage

-management oriented stage.


-It recognizes the consumers supremacy in the marketing.

-Creation of satisfied costumer is the main goal.

-It started with costumer and also end with costumers.

-Marketing research is the starting print and offering complete after sale services in the ending step of marketing.

-It adopts the system approach marketing.

-It provides the services after sale and goods.


Modern concept of marketing is developed due to traditional concept of marketing is narrow and unable to satisfy the consumers needs.Its focuses to produce the goods according to the consumers requirement and offers service after the sales of goods to satisfy the costumer's.This concept of marketing is consumer oriented where consumer satisfaction's gives high priority.
According to the American marketing association,"Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception,pricing,promotion and distribution of ideas,goods and services to create exchange that satisfy individual and organization activities.''


-It ignores consumers needs and satisfaction.

-It doesn't after sale.

-It is started with production of finished goods and services and complete of sales and services is provided.

-It ignores the importance of marketing like as marketing mixed.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


We need to understand the concept of marketing.We should have two concept ,traditional concept and modern concept.

Traditional concept : Traditional concept of marketing is simply related with the transfer of ownership of goods through physical distribution.It always focus on the delivery of products to the consumers.It is understand as known some definition of traditional marketing concept are given below.

According to marketing association "Marketing is the performance of business activities that directly flow off goods and services from producers to consumers.''
According to daddy,"Marketing is the economic process by which goods and services are exchanged and their values are determined in terms of money price.''

Monday, November 23, 2009


Ostrich is the largest bird in the world.They do not fly at all,but they can run very fast.They have big eyes and small broad beak.They have small wings.They spread their wings while walking ostriches live in dry plains and deserts.They normally eat plants and sometimes also eat small reptiles.Ostriches can live long without drinking water if they have enough green plants to eat.They have long and powerful legs.They use their legs to defense from their enemies.


Marketing is buying and selling of goods or services in the market.Marketing is between buyer and seller to transfer the ownership of product from seller to buyer from the term of money.Marketing is also known as the delivery of standard living because goods and services are delivered and exchanged in the market which provided maximum satisfaction and promotes the costumers living standard in the society.

It is comprehensive very wide and dynamic ,marketing includes various activities such as product planning and development,market research,pricing,distribution,promotion and other sales services.All this activities are related with satisfying consumers needs and demand.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Actualy commerce is another part of business.It refers to the act of distributing of goods and services to the consumers according to their needs and wants.Traditionally,commerce is also being used in large area nowadays.It means, along with buying and selling of goods its also involves providingall other management sevices like transportation,insurance,banking and communication.Management of these services help to carry products from the industry to consumer.

So in conclusion,we can say that commerce is the organized system of buying and selling of goods with all activities,which help to perform trade .It is divided into two types discussed below.

(1)Trade : Trade refers to the act of bying and selling of goods with a view to earn profit.It is the mediator in between the producer and consumer.It is involved in buying goods from the producer and selling them to the consumers without changing the shape and size of goods.The people involved in performing trade are called traders.It is classified as home trade and foreign trade.

(a)Home trade : The act of buying and selling goods with in a boundry of a country for profit is called home trade.The trade performed in between buyers and sellers of kathmandu and biratnagar falls under home trade it is further divided into the following types:

-Wholesale trade : Whole sale trade refers to the act of buying in large quantity directly from producers and selling them to the retailor.It plays a role of mediator in between the producer and the retailor.People involved in performing wholesale trade are wholesalers.Wholesalers do not usually sell goods to final consumer directly.

-Retail trade : Retail trade refers to the act of buying goods from wholesalers and selling them to the final consumer.Here goods are solid for final consumption but not for the resale perpose .It plays the role of meaditor in between the wholesaler and the final consumer.People involved in performing retail trade are retailors.

(b)Foreign trade : the act of buying and selling of goods in between at least two countrier and more than that for profit is called foreign trade.The main feature of this trade is that goods produced in one country are sold and consumed in another country.Here the words import and export are used to indicate the words buy and sell of goods,respectively.Trade conducted in between nepal and america come under this type.It is further divided into the following types:

-Emport trade : It refers to the act of buying goods from a foreign country.The trader who buys goods from a foreign country us called importer.Its a trader of nepal purchases machinary from japan then it is said to be import trade.

-Export trade : It refers to the act of selling goods to foreign country.The trader who supplies goods to foreign country is called exporter.If a nepalese trader supplies handcraft to aamerica then it is export trade.

-Enterport trade : It refers to the act of importing goods from one country and exporting the same to a third country.So,here the trade is conducted at least among three countries.It our country imports readymade cloths from china and exports the same to india it is enterport trade.

(2)Management service : It refers to the act of providing and selling different that facilitate trade.It is not involved in buying and selling of tangible goods but provides easily.Services of banking,insurance,transportation,communication,advertising,warehousing are some example of management service.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Industry is a types of business.Industry refers to activities of business that produces goods and services by using various resources.Generally it produces products by processing and changing the shape and size of raw materials.These produced goods and services are consumed by final consumers or by other organizations for reproduction.for instance,the activity related to purchase of wool and weaving sweaters for sale is industry.Thus,the business activity of extraction,generation and conversion is called industry.

Considering the nature of products,industry can be categorized as fallows;

(1)Primary industry : The industry that produces products using raw materials drawn either from farming or natural resources is called primary industry.Usually,products produced by primary industry are further processed by other industries.It also can be further divided in the following divisions.

(a)Extractive industry : This industry involves in drawing out products from natural resources like soil,water and air.Fishing in the river,hunting in the jungle and mining are some of the examples of extractive industry.

(b)Genetic industry : The industry involve in producing products using the raw materials obtained from farming of plants,animals,livestock,fishery,bee-keeping is called genetic industry.Animal husbandry,poultry,forestry,plant nursery are some of the example of genetic industry.

(2)Secondary industry : The industry,which produces goods for the final use but not for reproduction purpose is called secondary industry.It uses products produced by primary industry as input or raw materials.Secondary industry also can be further divided as;

(a)Manufacturing industry : The industry involved in manufacturing ready made products from the raw materials or semi-manufactured goods is called manufacturing industry.Cotton industry,jute industry,paper industry and carpet industry are some of the examples of manufacturing industry.

(b)Construction industry : The industry engaged in constructive works like construction of road,bridges,buildings is called construction industry.Such an industry doesn't produce goods to sell them in the ordinary market.As per the order of costumer ,constructive activities are carried out at a fixed place using materials like rods,cement,brick produced by other industries.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Business is the back bone for the development of a country.It is not possible to imagine the development of a nation until and unless the business grows smoothly.We are witnessing America,japan,korea for ahead of our country.The solid reason of this difference is business.Thus,business has great importance.

(1)Economic development : Business helps the economic development of a country.The development of a country is totally based on the position of industry and commerce.It activates all economic sectors like industrial,commerce,banking,insurance,transport and warehousing,in this way,it mobilizes all idle resources in productive sectores and uplifts the economy of the country.

(2)Utilization of resources : Business uses all types of resources to carry out its activities.Human and other resources are utilized in the industrial and commercial sectors.Raw materials drawn from agriculture,forest and other resources are used by the industry to produce final consumer products.Business uses all natural and artificial resources available in the country.

(3)Creation of employment opportunity : business refers to the establishment of industrial and trading organizations in the world.Such organizations require manpower to carryout their activities.So,a great number of people get employment that decreases the unemployment problem in the nation.Besides this,business increases the living standard of individuals.

(4)Increase in government revenue ; Business helps to increase the government revenue because industrial and and trading organizations should collect and pay different forms of tax like corporate tax,excuse duty,VAT and others to the government.The most important source of collecting governments revenue is the tax,which depends upon the development of business in the country.

(5)Source of earning foreign currency : The development of business brings forth advanced technology in the country.Goods produced by using advanced and modern technology will be qualitative and meets international standards.As a result ,such goods can easily complete in the international market.Thus,the development of business increases the export of goods and services,which is the main resource of earning foreign currency in this way,business helps to earn foreign currency.

(6)Maintaing goods international relations : The development of business increases foreign trade,i.e import and export of goods and services.Because of it people of different countries come in contact with each other.It helps to maintain friendly and peaceful relationship between different countries.In this way,international relations can be maintained through business activities.


Business needs to have some of its own identities and facts discussed as below.

(1)Economic activities : Business refers to minatory activities.Those activities of which value can measure in terms of money only are called business.Thus social,political and religious activities are not related as business.

(2)Dealing with gods and service : Business deals with goods and services.It satisfies costumers needs and wants by producing,buying and selling of consumers goods and services.Here, all tangible things are called consumer goods.Similarly ,services provided by teacher,layer,doctor are called consumers services as they do not sell tangible products to the consumers.

(3)Regularity in dealings : Business refers to the regular production and exchange of goods and services.For example,if om books centre kumaripati,supplies books and stationary materials to different schools in a regular manner then it is a business.

(4)Profit motive : business has the objective of earning profit.It is done only for providing services then it cannot be treated as business.For example,Ramesh makes a house at the cost rs.120,000 then it is business.But if he makes a house for his own purpose but not for profit then it is not called for business.

(5)Risk and uncertainty : No doubt,business is not done for profit.But there is not certainty runs at loss.change in the taste and demand of costumers,government business policy,competition and market condition,social constraints are some of the internal and external forces because of which business organization may have to bear loss.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Mona Lisa is the most famous panting prepared by Leonardo DA Vince.he was the greatest artist of Italy.he has prepare many types of paintings.Among those Mona Lisa is very nice and this painting is famous in the world.this painting is kept in the world greatest art museum louvre in Paris.


The largest animal in the world - blue whale

The largest land animal - bush elephant of Africa's

The tallest animal - giraffe

The largest reptile - saltwater crocodile

The largest snake - anaconda

The longest;reticulated-python

The longest fish - whale shark

The largest bird - ostrich

The longest insect - stick insect

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Mount Everest is the highest peak in the is in is 8848m high. it has become the bride of the country Nepal.there are various mountain in Nepal.due to lying mount Everest in Nepal,it has been popular in the world.the environment around mt. Everest is very peace full.every year people are going to entertain themselves watching the attractive view of is in Himalayan region of is also called sagarmatha.pasang Lhamu serpha was the first Nepalese woman who climbed mt.everest.she had succeed to climb the mt.Everest in her fourth attempt.foreigners are also interested to visit the sight of that ,it has become the means of earning foreign currency.people can be engaged for guiding them due to this they are getting employment opportunity also.


The word business is formed from the word in the general sense if human beings become by performing activities then it refers to business.but human beings become busy by performing economic and non-economic activities,related to religion,society and politic are non economic activities.they are not done for earning profit and not treated as business .in the same way ,activities related to the production and sale of goods and services regularly are called economic activities.such activities are directly related to money and done for earning profit.such human economic activities are called business.
According to prof.L.H.Haney "Business means the human activities directed towards producing and acquiring wealth through buying and selling of goods.''
According to Peterson and plowman, "Business may be defined as an activity in which different persons exchange something of value whether goods or services for mutual gain and benefits.''